Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Hi fellow classmates!  There is a mistake in my Sept. 7th blog and the first person to state it wins a candy bar!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Baby steps, baby steps

This week I taught myself to post photos!  I am happy to say it wasn't too hard, and also embarrassed to admit the same thing!  I have been having fun posting pictures to sell things on Craigslist , and also posting pictures on FB.  I am really excited to post an old picture on FB for my mom's birthday :)  (O.k., since my sister will get to be in LV with her on the actual day, I have to come up with something meaningful---the old "friendly sisterly competition." ha ha

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wow- 5 years and obsolete!

This is why we need to keep abreast with current trends in technology - what we are learning today will be old school in five years!  Wow!  Our instructor, Tom Dunlap, suggests using "Research Web 2.0 tools for education" to help stay current.